Chicago Parenting Time Lawyer

Attorney in Cook County for Creating Visitation Schedules
When a couple with children decides to end their marriage, the children are in danger of getting caught in the middle. At The Law Offices of Curtis Bennett Ross, LLC, we have seen far too many parents get carried away by the emotions of their divorce or breakup and lose sight of what really matters—the physical and emotional well-being of their children.
With this in mind, our team is dedicated to helping families get through the divorce process while minimizing the negative impact on the children. We know that it is important for divorced parents to remain active in their children's lives, and we work hard to create parenting time schedules that allow parents to maintain healthy relationships with their children. If you are struggling with a dispute regarding your parental rights, you can depend on us to provide the responsible representation you need.
Visitation Is Now Called Parenting Time
For decades, Illinois law guaranteed parents reasonable rights to visitation with their children, regardless of the relationship or problems that existed between the parents. The intent of the law was commendable, as it was designed to keep each parent invested in the life of his or her child. Sometimes, however, the law had the unfortunate consequence of making parents with visitation rights feel like outsiders. A few years ago, the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/602.7) was updated with a number of changes, including the elimination of the term "visitation." The law now uses the more inclusive and cooperative phrase "parenting time" to describe the time that each parent spends with his or her child following a divorce or breakup. The new term is also meant to reflect the rights and responsibilities of a parent rather than treating that parent as a "visitor" in the child's life.
With over 30 years of divorce and family law experience, Attorney Curtis Bennett Ross knows that many people approach child-related matters with a number of assumptions. For example, if you are a father who is getting divorced, you might assume that you will have parenting time every other weekend and for a few weeks at a time in the summer. While such an arrangement is certainly possible, the reality is that Illinois law does not provide standardized parenting time schedules. Each county and certain judges may have templates or suggested arrangements that could be used, but a parenting time schedule should be customized to meet the unique needs and circumstances of each family. Mr. Ross and his team can help you create an arrangement that takes into account factors such as your work schedule, the distance between homes, and how well you cooperate with your soon-to-be ex-spouse.
Wicker Park Counsel Protecting the Rights of Parents
In most cases, one parent will be allocated a majority of the parenting time with a couple's child, but sometimes, one parent will be given almost all of it. If your parenting time is extremely limited or your ex is preventing you from enjoying your parenting time, the team at The Law Offices of Curtis Bennett Ross, LLC can help you take appropriate action. We know that the legal system can be intimidating, especially if you have been treated badly by the legal system in the past. We also understand that it can be challenging to stand up to your former partner out of fear of making the situation worse.
Attorney Curtis Bennett Ross is court-approved to serve as a guardian ad litem and child's representative in Cook County, which means he has undergone extensive training in regard to evaluating a family's circumstances and making recommendations pertaining to the child's best interests. He is also a trained family law mediator who knows how to facilitate discussions between opposing parties in child-related cases. Mr. Ross and his team will work closely with you in analyzing your situation and exploring all of your possible options. If your current parenting time schedule is still viable and appropriate, we will ensure that you get the time with your child that the schedule promises. If your schedule needs to be updated due to changing circumstances, we can assist you in seeking a modification.
Speak With a Skilled Attorney Today
If you are a parent who is considering divorce, contact our office to discuss your parenting time concerns. Call 312-984-1514 for a free, limited consultation today. Our firm serves individuals and families at the Daley Center Courthouse, as well as in Oak Park, West Loop, Andersonville, Old Town, The Loop, Bucktown, Wicker Park, downtown Chicago, and the rest of Cook County.